Clearstream ISIN

Clearstream ISIN

Clearstream issues xs isin codes or international isin codes as they act as a common depository along with Euroclear.

As opposed to the standard 2 letter country code that is traditionally assigned to a securities if applied via one’s country or local depository, an ISIN code that is cleared through Clearstream used “XS” in place of any two letter country code.

Although most ISIN numbers are assigned by national numbering agencies (“NNAs”), International securities  such as bonds and stocks are assigned a single XS-ISIN number by Clearstream Banking. This ISIN code is shared between both ICSDs via a common file platform. Increasingly, many of the world’s new issuers and market participants utilize one form an of an ISIN number as a means of security identification.

If your company is seeking an XS ISIN number and would like to ensure that the proper ISIN code is allocated t your securities, MFN can help.

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