MFN can assist with your company or fund’s ISIN number needs.

ISIN or international securities identification number, is a 12 digit code that uniquely identifies a security, such as stocks or bonds and many others. The ISIN is an alphanumeric code that is the single most recognizable security identifier used in the global finance market today. In fact, the ISIN is the only universally accepted securities identification code used in the world’s stock exchanges and brokerage houses.

Obtain an ISIN Number

In order to obtain and ISIN number, one must apply for the ISIN. The application process varies depending on the company or fund’s location, and indeed each locality has varying rules and stipulations both in the application process, and in allocating ISIN numbers. In order for a company to get or receive their ISIN it is important that all rules be followed, otherwise the ISIN will not be allocated. MFN can ensure your application is correct.

International Securities Identification Number (ISIN)

The ISIN standard is used worldwide to identify specific securities such as bonds, stocks (common and preferred), futures, warrant, rights, trusts, commercial paper and options. ISINs are assigned to securities to facilitate unambiguous clearing and settlement procedures. They are composed of a 12-digit alphanumeric code and act to unify different ticker symbols – which can vary by exchange and currency — for the same security. In the United States, ISINs are extended versions of 9-character CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures) numbers; ISINs can be formed by adding a country code and check digit to the beginning and end of a CUSIP, respectively.

ISIN Documentation and Application

In order to apply for an ISIN, an offering memorandum, prospectus, information memorandum, offering circular or many other distinct documents may be required for the application process. MFN can assist with all types of documents needed to obtain an ISIN. Additionally, whether the company is public or private, different documents will be needed in the ISIN application.

Company Entities and Locations

MFN can assist any company in the world with their ISIN number needs. Additionally, entities such as public companies, private companies, funds, trusts, unit trusts, segregated portfolios, hedge funds, mutual funds, and many other funds and entities can all work with MFN in order to achieve one’s goals


There are three parts to an ISIN as exemplified by US-049580485-1 (the dashes don’t count, they are there to add clarity). The code can be broken down as follows:

  • A two-letter country code, drawn from a list (ISO 6166) prepared by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This code is assigned according to the location of a company’s head office. A special code, “XS”. is used for international securities cleared through pan-European clearing systems like Euroclear and CEDEL. Depository receipt ISIN usage is unique in that the country code for the security is that of the receipt issuer, not that of the underlying security.
  • A single check-digit. The digit is calculated based upon the preceding 11 characters/digits and uses a sum modulo 10 algorithm and helps ensure against counterfeit numbers.


ISINs were once considered only a secondary form of security identification, used exclusively for clearing and settlement. In recent years, some European countries have adopted ISINs as their primary security identifier. ISIN’s are implicitly used in the U.S. and Canada because they are built upon CUSIP numbers. Over time, most countries appear willing to adopt ISIN numbering either as a primary or secondary identifier.

Universal acceptance of ISIN is important in meeting the goal of global straight-through processing (GSTP), which is the electronic handling of the trade clearing and settlement without manual intervention. ISIN codes are used by share custodians to track holdings of institutional investors in a format which is consistent across markets worldwide.

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